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Installation instructions are included in the download and can also be found below. 👇

Installation of the ☱ AMAPP Beta version
  1. Extract the content into the directory on your computer where you keep your ReaScripts.
  2. From the REAPER action list you should add two script files:
  3. Run the first file AMAPP-Installation.lua
  4. If you don’t have the package ReaImGui installed, you need to install it through the package manager. A lot of scripts use it so chances are it’s already installed for you.
    • If you need to install ReaImGui: Open REAPER and go to Extensions -> ReaPack -> Browse Packages ...
    • In the search field type ReaImGui: Reascript binding for Dear ImGui
    • Right click the package with the same name and select Install v[latest version]
    • A single letter i should appear next to the package.
    • Click OK to install the package and close the window.
  5. Start using the ☱ AMAPP by running the script AMAPP-v1_Closed_Beta.lua
  6. AMAPP-Installation.lua
  7. AMAPP-v1_Closed_Beta.lua
Instructions to enable the ☱ AMAPP – Wwise integration

Follow the steps for the operating system that you use.

  1. Download and enable Python through the Reaper preferences menu
    1. In REAPER go to “Preferences -> ReaScript”
    2. Check the box for “Enable Python for use with ReaScript”
    3. Download and install the latest version of Python at the link:
    4. Open the Command Prompt from the Windows start menu.
    5. Write py -V and press Enter. If Python has been installed the computer will show you some basic information about Python. Confirm that version 3 or higher is installed.
    6. Write py -m pip -V and press Enter. If the Pip module has been installed the computer will the current version and its path.
      • If pip has not been installed: Write py -3 -m ensurepip and press Enter to install it.
    7. Write py -3 -m pip install waapi-client and press Enter. This should install the necessary Wwise module.
  2. Open Wwise
  3. In Wwise go to User Preferences (Shift+U)
    1. Make sure that “Enable Wwise Authoring API” is checked
    2. Make sure the default connection port is selected,::1 and WAMP port 8080
The Windows Command Prompt should give you similar results as these (the waapi-client is already installed here so it will look slightly different if it’s new to you)
  1. Download and enable Python through the Reaper preferences menu
    1. In REAPER go to “Preferences -> ReaScript”
    2. Check the box for “Enable Python for use with ReaScript”
    3. Download and install the latest version of Python at the link:
    4. Open the Command Prompt from the Windows start menu.
    5. Write python3 -V and press Enter. If Python has been installed the computer will show you some basic information about Python. Confirm that version 3 or higher is installed.
    6. Write python3 -m pip -V and press Enter. If the Pip module has been installed the computer will the current version and its path.
      • If pip has not been installed: Write python3 -m ensurepip and press Enter to install it.
    7. Write python3 -m pip install waapi-client and press Enter. This should install the necessary Wwise module.
  2. Open Wwise
  3. In Wwise go to “User Preferences” (Shift+U)
    1. Make sure that “Enable Wwise Authoring API” is checked
    2. Make sure the default connection port is selected,::1 and WAMP port 8080
The Terminal should give you similar results as these (the waapi-client is already installed here so it will look slightly different if it’s new to you)